5 ways to bust the holiday stress

5 ways to bust the holiday stress

Here are 5 ways to bust the holiday stress:

The holiday season is often joyful and fun. It is supposed to be about the birth of Jesus and spending time with those we love. However, the good can get lost and all of a sudden you are overwhelmed, depressed, and stressed.

What are the causes? Many things including too much over scheduling, too much money spent on decorations and gifts, too many painful memories of lost family members, too much comparing to others that look like they have the "magic of Christmas" down to a science, and just too much in general.

Don't let holiday stress put a damper on your health and weight!

1. Say no. While it might be tempting to accept every invitation, be sure to prioritize your yeses. Will the invite leave you drained or joyful?

2. Move your body regularly. Physical activity can relax and energize you, making it especially important this time of year. If you can't commit to big workouts, try to squeeze in 10-minutes of movement.

3. Smell holiday scents. Christmas trees or menorah candles can bring pleasant memories or hope of what could be because of their distinct scent. Studies also found that breathing in the scent of pine trees can reduce depression and stress.

4. Make a budget. Expenses can add up quickly over the holidays. Create a budget for decorations, food, gifts etc and stick to it.

5. Ask for help. People often want to help, but they don't know how. ASK! This is the time of year people want to help

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