5 steps to CHANGE
5 steps to bring about CHANGE (ie: making healthy food choices):
CLARITY: What Do You Want to Change?
Be clear on the habit/behavior you want to change, or the new one you want to establish. Write it down—it builds commitment and holds you accountable. As you write, reflect on WHY you want to do this. How is the current behavior harming you, your health, or your relationships?
VISION: Why?What Will Change Look Like?
Now envision what life would be like once you changed. What will you be doing and how will you feel? What does “I AM WELL” mean to you? Step into the future because the more passionate you become about the change you want to see, the more you'll allow your dreams to happen.
CHALLENGES: What Will You Do With obstacles…?
Unfortunately, dreams become fantasies without an action plan. And with every action plan comes obstacles. Get clear on the challenges you may face so you can come up with an action plan when something comes in the way of your dream. Enlist a ready team of support.
HABITS: How Will You Create Positive Habits?
Breaking down your goals into behaviors that you repeat on a consistent basis will eventually become easier. It takes 21 days to turn a behavior into a habit. Start with one small change consistently instead of big changes failed at consistently. The most successful people are those who establish positive habits (and get rid of negative ones), so that they use their mental energy not to argue with themselves, but to make important decisions and initiate significant changes.
TRANSFORMATION: Making it last?
It is essential to focus on the changes and transformation you have made. Savoring these moments of success and transformation become embed into our long-term memory. The next time you engage in a positive behavior, take a moment to let the good feelings sink in, and another to remind yourself of your power in making it happen. Making this a regular practice (affirming and gratitude) can go a long way making your transformation complete long term.
** Info from Homaira Kabir