Letting go of perfection

Letting go of perfection

I’m a natural born people pleaser so my goal has always been to ensure others happiness even at the expense of my own happiness.  From an early age I coped with worry and anxiety by trying to control things and situations around me.  I worried about performing well at school and activities and being the right daughter, friend, sister, etc.  This caused me a a great deal of stress and health issues because trying to be perfect is not only exhausting, but also impossible.

The more you try to control things the more it controls you.

According to Psychology Today, “Our mind tries to control everything it comes in contact with, that’s just its nature. We keep trying to control things and then there comes a time when we realize it’s impossible. There is no other way to get what we need.  Surrender begins here…where all other strategies toward perfection end.

Surrender happens when we know that we don’t know! We are out of options!

But being out of options is actually a gift. Surrendering is when true GRACE and PEACE set forth.  Many attribute this feeling of “grace” or “peace” to being one with God. For example, my parents truly have this gift of grace which they say comes from God. They have surrendered to a higher power and let go of trying to be perfect because they know they are not. Only God is perfect.  Whether it’s believing in God or simply being out of options, whatever gets you there… surrendering is a gift.

When we surrender and find that “grace” and peace.  Surrendering reduces stress in all areas of our life.  According to Thompson, “Letting go, relinquishing control, and being more flexible in dealing with work, finances and relationships will leave you more peace and joy.”

Being alive and free is what we are destined for… not locked into anxiety and fear over things we can’t control. I am personally much better letting go of perfection than I used to be. I am proud of the progress I have made toward serenity. But I still struggle and letting go takes daily practice and understanding of your truest self.

Let go.  Surrender.  Ask God or your higher power to help.  Breathe. Free yourself.  When we let go, we become free and rest in the peace and joy that comes with that FREEDOM.

God, Grant me the serenity to accept the things I can not change, the courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference.

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