Do you need a supplement?

Do you need a supplement?

Do you need to take a vitamin and mineral supplement? 

As a nutritionist and health coach, I am constantly asked should I take a vitamin? Which one?  According to the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, you should meet your nutritional needs primarily through diet.  The more you eat whole foods from the earth, the less room and desire you’ll have for processed junk or a need for supplementation.  Unfortunately, many people are unable to meet dietary guidelines through food alone due to the way food is processed coupled with people’s tendencies to skip meals or choose unhealthy options.

What to do?

If you are unable to meet the daily guidelines through whole foods alone or a are concerned you aren’t eating daily quotas, then a supplement may be a great choice! According to the Mayo Clinic News Network (2019), vitamin and mineral supplementation is also recommended for people with certain conditions or eating habits.

These include:

  • Eating less than 1600 calories per day

  • Vegans and vegetarians

  • Not consuming 2-3 servings of fish per week

  • Women with heavy bleeding from menstruation

  • Medical conditions that affect absorption and digestion

Amy Lydia’s Supplement Plan?

As a nutritionist and health coach, I personally take a nutrition supplemental powder every day as my “emergency” to ensure I reach my daily quota no matter what.   I focus on eating real whole foods every day and then add in my Reliv supplement to ensure I have all my bases covered!

If you are interested in learning about what supplement I use, email me directly at or contact me here.

What foods to eat to reach the daily value?

VITAMIN             FOODS                                       DAILY VALUE

Biotin                    Avocados, egs, pork                          300 mcg

Folic Acid             Beans                                                   400 mcg

Riboflavin            Beef, nuts, poultry                             1.7 mg

Thiamin               Nuts, whole grains                             1.5 mg

Vitamin A            Carrots                                                  5,000 IU

Vitamin b6          Potatoes                                                2 mg

Vitamin b12        Dairy, eggs, meats                               6 mcg

Vitamin C            Citrus fruit                                            60 mg

Vitamin D            Eggs, fish                                              400 IU

Vitamin E            Green vegetables, nuts                       30 IU

Vitamin K            Green vegetables                                 80 mcg



MINERAL         FOODS                                         DAILY VALUE        

Calcium                Dairy, green vegetables                     1,000 mg

Chloride               Celery, lettuce                                      3,400 mg

Chromium           Broccoli, apples                                   120 mcg

Iodine                   Potatoes, salt                                        150 mcg

Iron                       Poultry, whole grains                         18 mg

Magnesium         Bananas                                                 400 mg

Manganese          Pineapple, beans                                  2 mg

Molybdenum      Beans, peas                                            75 mcg

Phosphorus         Nuts, seeds                                            1,000 mg

Potassium            Bananas, spinach                                 3,500 mg

Selenium              Eggs, nuts                                              70 mcg

Sodium                 Bread, cheese, poultry                         2,400 mg

Zinc                       Beef, dairy, whole grains                     15 mg

** Source Food and Drug Administration

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